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Shipping Policy


We can ship to virtually any address within the United Kingdom, although there may be restrictions on some products and areas.


When you place your order we check our own stocks and the stocks of our suppliers, with the aim to dispatch your goods as quick as possible, and from the closest location to you.


Despatches can take between 1 and 3 working days for goods that we, or our suppliers, have in stock.  This timeframe changes regularly and we will update as demand changes.


The shipping rates vary for each country, our current shipping rates are:-

  • £8.99 Shipping UK Mainland and NI (Excluding Highlands, Islands and Off Shore) on orders under £90
  • Free Shipping UK Mainland, NI on all orders over £90
  • Highlands and some more remote parts of Scotland have a flat rate of £25 per order.
  • Channel Islands and the Isle of Man have a flat rate of £25 shipping per order.


Once despatched orders to UK and Northern Ireland are usually delivered within 48hrs.


Please ensure that you have checked all your goods as soon as possible upon receipt.


Please inspect your goods within the first 3 days of receiving delivery to ensure:

  • You are happy with the goods you have received
  • There is no obvious breakages upon delivery
  • There is no obvious physical faults or damages with the purchased goods
  • You have received the correct number of goods you purchased and the goods are what you ordered.


If you have any questions in regards to delivery please contact us immediately.


One Piece Delivery Guarantee

99% of all orders arrive One Time and in One Piece, ready to be fitted and admired in their rightful place.  But what about the small percentage of orders that have an issue, or arrive not as expected?


We as a company try to minimize this as much as possible by spending time packaging orders as best we can and working with reliable and diligent Delivery Partners, but every so often things will arrive damaged or broken.


Once these are reported through to our Customer Services Team, initially we will endeavor to ship replacement parts.  If the faulty parts are something that is easy to install, or needs to be removed anyway to install the light fitting, we should be able to get replacement parts dispatched at fairly short notice.  This would be our first attempt at sorting the situation, and usually this is all that is required.


If the faulty or damaged parts are more serious and part of the structure or finish of the light fitting, we would then look to ship a replacement fitting.  If stock is available we can usually sort this within one working day and dispatch the relevant replacement.


At all times we will keep you informed about any updates or changes that we have and we will endeavor to fix anything outstanding as quickly and efficiently as we possibly can.